Your car, motorcycle, or plane is your pride and joy.  You've spent countless hours working on it, and like any true aficionado, it's never far from your thoughts.  Celebrate the pride you have with a portrait session.  Experience the magic of a professional photo shoot that will leave you with images of YOUR vehicle fit for the pages of Road & Track, Plane & Pilot, or Motorcyclist.  
Each session is about your vehicle and your pride and passion in it.   Sessions can be held indoors, on location, at the track, on the tarmac, or on the top of a remote trail that only your ride can get to.  You choose how you would like your vehicle presented - perfectly polished and ready for the best of show, covered in mud and balanced on two wheels, or even inverted halfway through a Cuban-8!
For more information please fill out the contact form.  I look forward to working with you!
Thank you, we'll be in touch soon to speak with you about your project!
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